The CDC recently announced that diseases carried by insects, including ticks, are growing to an alarming level... which isn't alarming... read more →
Click below to see the Eastside Monthly's Profile of Blythe Penna, Ruffin' Wrangler's owner Eastside Monthly Profile
Let’s face it our dogs and cats are extremely lucky! They have a family, a home, and if they’re part... read more →
As humans exercise is a key part of staying healthy, losing weight, or toning up and feeling better. Exercising your... read more →
You typically see an E-collar, also called a cone, when your dog is hurt or healing from surgery. And as... read more →
It’s tempting to write off your dog’s diet as incidental to its health, but that’s far from the truth. Just... read more →
Most of us think a dog and a bone go together like… well like a dog and a bone, but... read more →
A coat is the easier way to help a dog with shorter hair stay warm in the winter months. But... read more →
The pads on a dog’s paws are basically fatty tissue wrapped up in a durable skin. That’s why it’s easier... read more →
We always have the best intentions in mind for our pets and their fur, but sometimes we have to remember... read more →